5 Reasons You Should Sell Your Car Before 2022 Begins

5 Reasons You Should Sell Your Car Before 2022 Begins

5 Simple Reasons to Sell Your Car TODAY!

  1. Your Vehicle Is Worth 37% More At Minimum!
    Based off of market conditions your vehicle is worth 37% more at minimum! And we are your family dealership waiting to buy it from you for top $$$. We are cheque writers and we'd rather by vehicles locally from YOU than auctions.

  2. Microchip That Pays YOU
    By now you've obviously heard about the microchip shortage in the car industry. If not, here's a refresher; Most car manufactures today use the Epyc Gen 2 designed by AMD to manage their driver assistant systems all the way to the engines in the car. Without these chips, no new car drives off the lot which means no cars hit the dealerships and that means, empty lots. To avoid this, every dealership (Including PIONEER) is ready to pay INSANE amounts of money to people who are looking to just unload a vehicle or trying to trade it in.

  3. No Need to Trade-In
    Usually, selling a vehicle is contingent on you getting a newer vehicle in its place. However, right now, you could walk into our lot and walk away with your bag of cash, no questions asked. (Ok, some questions asked).

  4. Let's say you do decide to trade-in your old one. For example, your old car can sell for $10,000.

    Selling It Privately: Sure you get the $10,000 from selling it privately. But when you come to a dealership and buy for example a $40,000 vehicle. You pay taxes on that full amount.

    Selling it to a Dealership: We take the value of your old vehicle ($10,000) off your new ($40,000). So now, you actually pay tax on the difference which is $30,000.

    We say why not get some tax relation right? The big guys take enough as is.

Honestly? This is the first time in the car industry that we have found ourselves in a situation where people have walked off our lots with $70,000+ for a vehicle that wouldn't get them more than $58,000 in the normal market. But we can see the market stabilizing soon. Which means if you are thinking to sell your car or trading it in, you gotta do it TODAY!

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